What are you looking for?

Infinity X Career Program (Regional)

Are you an LGBTQIA+ person with a disability living regionally and looking to turbocharge your career? 


PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer accepting applications for this program.


Thanks to funding from Pride Foundation Australia, we are bringing our one-of-a-kind career development program to Regional Australia as a FREE ONLINE PROGRAM! 

For this program, ‘Disability’ can be self-identified and includes chronic pain/illness, neurodivergence and mental health. 


What is it? 

The Infinity X Career Program aims to empower individuals with diverse experiences and skills toward achieving their career dreams. We are not focused on cookie-cutter approaches to career growth, but instead, aim to: 

  • Empower participants with skills around embracing their living/lived experience 
  • Grow skills for self-advocacy in professional settings 
  • Working toward employment pathways that are sustainable, accessible, and supportive 
  • Find employers that value and embrace diverse experiences  
  • Understand your own interpersonal skills in more depth 
  • Increase self-confidence and strengthen career planning skills 
  • Provide new lived experience career role models and guest speakers 


To view the session schedule dates, physical host hub list and guest speakers, click here.

This program is designed to empower LGBTQIA+ individuals living in regional and rural Australia, with a focus on providing career development and exploration tools to individuals with experiences of disability, mental health challenges, and those who are neurodivergent. We’re looking for a new cohort of participants eager to discover new career opportunities! If you – or anyone you know – are ready to take the first steps toward a dream career, we strongly encourage you to apply by filling out the application form.

Note: This program is not affiliated with or endorsed by a particular employment or disability service provider, and you do NOT need to be on NDIS to be eligible.  


Here’s what participants are saying from the first round of the program: 

  • “I hoped this would give me a better understanding of how to find work when you’re queer/disabled, and those expectations were fully met.”
  • “Professionally: I feel I am better able to understand and articulate myself in professional settings thanks to the activities in Infinity X. Personally: I feel less shame for being queer, neurodivergent etc and have realised that these things have caused me to have soft skills (developed through lived experience) that make me not only COOL but also very employable.”
  • “My expectations were that I would meet like-minded people, receive guidance on how to navigate my professional goals, and feel supported/heard as a person. Infinity X smashed these goals.”
  • “I feel more confident and inspired.”
  • “I feel more confident that there is a unique but possible path for me to find or even create a job that would not only be somewhere I could get the accommodations I need, but also be fulfilling and a place I would want to work.”


The Infinity X Career Program (Regional) will commence in March 2025. This intensive 6-week program will involve once weekly 2-hour sessions to equip, empower, and support participants in stepping into the careers and opportunities of their dreams. Sessions will be held online.

This program is free. However, an application process applies.


Eligibility criteria:

  • This program has two age streams – over 18 and under 18. This means people of any age can apply!
  • This program is open to people who identify as LGBTQIA+ and have a disability (including mental health conditions, neurodivergence, and chronic illness or pain conditions).
  • You must live in regional Australia.
  • You can attend online sessions for 2 hours per week for 6 weeks.


Benefits of the program:

  • Support with re-claiming their lived experience in professional settings.
  • Opportunities for community building in the LGBTQIA+ and disability communities and beyond.
  • Opportunities for skill building, feedback, and growth.
  • Fostering future LGBTQIA+ leaders in their respective fields of interest.
  • Increased self-confidence in participants to engage in community and the economy.
  • Support with career mapping and planning.
  • An inclusive strengths-based workshop framework that focuses on growth and belonging.
  • Inspirational guest speakers with lived experience.


Check out this video to hear our 2024 Infinity X participants reflect on the program.


Apply today


Last day to apply March 6th!

If you have any questions, contact our team at [email protected] or (08) 9443 7226.

This project is delivered by Inclusion Solutions thanks to a grant from Pride Foundation Australia 2024 Large Grant Round.

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